Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!

The Christmas a joyous time. It's when the family gets together and decorates a tree, gathers near a fire to roast chestnuts, and simply enjoy each other's company. But most importantly, it's a time to give to one another and to honor God's Son.

We want to wish you a very merry Christmas here at Zoodle, and also remind everyone to keep Christ in Christmas. Maybe we should even remind everyone to keep Christmas in Christmas. All this Happy Holidays stuff is really driving me nuts; remember that Jesus was born, and we celebrate His birthday tomorrow!

Unfortunately, this year hasn't brought us too much snow in Tacoma. Oh well. That's not going to stop the spirit of the season!

1 comment:

  1. While I definitely prefer "Merry Christmas" to "Happy Holidays", I don't think we should take too much offense when some secular humanist wishes us the latter. After all, "holiday" comes from the middle-english "haligdaeg" which literally translates "holy day" and the primary meaning of the word "holy" is "set apart to the service or worship of God".
    Whether they like it or not and whether they even know it or not, etymology has the secularists beaten at every turn.
