Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do Zoodles Really Care About the Environment? #22

I've gotten so many questions as to whether or not zoodles really care about the environment. I decided to settle this controversy RIGHT away. OF COURSE they do! Well...mainly the green zoodles, anyway.
If you couldn't conclude that in a particular prior post, the green zoodles want EVERYONE to know they go green. Whether it means placing a hand on a wood-cutters shoulder to kindly remind them to cease their tree-killing, or lobbing a hand-grenade at a kitty who might tear the shrubbery on the sidewalk. They encourage you to do the same.
They also hope to start a Repsycolution (REE-SI-COH-LOO-SHON)! This means a recycling, psycho revolution! EVERY time you want to throw something in the trash, STOP and think. Is it recyclable in some way? Maybe that rotten apple still has that paper sticker on it. RECYCLABLE! Do you know how many trees you could save by recycling one thing every day? Probably a WHOLE FOREST!

But who can remind us? Who can keep us all in line? Why none other than...
Resighk Man!!! Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dunnnnnnn-dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! He's out to make the world a greener place. He heavily endorses recycling, and warns all to refrain from eating yellow snow. He also advises, "By the time you finish reading this sentence, you have used up who knows HOW much electricity powering your computer. Shut your computer off this instant or switch to fuel-efficient computers."

Although all of this is fantastic, one can't help but wonder if there are maybe one or two literary devices used here. What are so special about those fuel-efficient cars, anyway? I'm glad the green-goers can at least maintain consistency in their views. Go green zoodles! YEAWW!

1 comment:

  1. This post really inspired me! From now on I'm going to go green, and hopefully the other Norskis will too! Right this second, I'm going to start following Resighk man's advice and
