Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Zooooooooodle! #1

Welcome to Zoodle: the blog of news and thoughtful pursuits. It will be on a variety of subjects, some on various thoughts or ideas, technology, political endeavors, maybe even an opinion on a new breakfast cereal.

My purpose is to provide a variety of interesting and current content for our readers with commentary and discussion. You need to know: Zoodle is not interested in sticking to one, sole topic. Rather it shoots for a more generic theme so that I may use freedom and openness in my posting.

My goal is to create a blog in which I may open your eyes and open new ideas to large things like the President of the United States to small things like the best hair gel out there. I also hope that through this, I may find a whole community of bloggers like me so we can share ideas and compare responses.

With that, the debut of this blog has commenced!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for Zoodle to grow! Exciting...very exciting! Incidentally, what IS the best hair gel out there?
    ~Knute Norski
